Fortifying Faith
Through the Beauty of Holiness

Ars Fidei, is Latin for “The Art of Faith.”

Ars Fidei, LLC, is a Design Company engaged in an advocacy that promotes Sacred Arts and Architecture committed to reinforce the Faith, manifest unity to the Pope and fidelity to the teachings of the Church revealing the richness of Religious Art.

Our Services

We design and build sacred places that inspire profound piety, prayer and adoration of the Creator through the contemplation of Liturgical Art.  

Design and Visualization

Reredos / Retablos

Devotional Altars

Blessed Sacrament / Adoration Chapel


Fabrication and Production

Procurement Management

Project Management

Notable Works

I wanted to make the church of St. Martin de Porres beautiful and more worthy as the House of God. I prayed for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and I found Ars Fidei. I truly believe that you were sent by God. You have given us a Roman style design of the sanctuary that is exquisite, filled with vibrant colors, full of theological symbols, and trueful to the sacred tradition of the Church. You have helped transformed our church into a pilgrimage site in Yorba Linda. Thank you for offering your gifts and talents for the greater glory and honor of God.

Father Sy Nguyen
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church
Yorba Linda

The beauty of the Liturgy is part of this mystery; it is a sublime expression of God's glory and, in a certain sense, a glimpse of Heaven on earth. 

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis